We work with you to . . .
Determine your existing and potential customer's needs.
Eg. What's in it for them to visit your Website?
We visit your competition and like-minded sites to learn more about your industry.
Search Engine Optimization:
We develop a list of keywords and descriptions with you, for each page or PDF document, to insure maximum high ranking status on at least the 10 major search engines.
We manually register your site with at least 8 major search engines when it
is complete (not before). If you wish to Market your own site . . . Visit
U-Market information.
Register with over 100 search engines to increase exposure.
Consider partnering programs with like-minded sites to increase visibility and use of services. Actively pursue "cross-linking". Helps your site rankings!
Perhaps design a contest, polling question, etc. to begin attracting customers and visitors.
Progressively build an opt-in/opt-out email list of interested customers, members and prospects.
Create Autoresponders for prompt response to requests for information.
Develop a non intrusive banner ad rotation program. Banners point to your services and products and can be available to advertisers.
Gather and rotate testimonials, if this helps with your specific services and industry.
We encourage you to respond to all email inquiries within 24-hours and to place your web and email address on all stationary and newsletters.
We help keep your site up-to-date, active and engaging.